PRIO Network

Small Arms Trade Database

Unfortunately, due to a lack of funding, as of October 2017 this database is no longer being updated.

This is the world's only on-line global database of small arms transfers. It contains 1 389 355 records detailing transfers between some 250 states and territories over the period 1962-2015. The database is available by following this link:

If you have any queries, please consult the Database user manual.

Please set the text size on your browser to 'medium' else you may have problems viewing the database. 

We apologize to users of other internet browsers and operating systems, but these pages are optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 6 or higher), Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera running on Windows. 

Latest addition Date 
UN register of Conventional Arms reports, ATT reports and EU consolidated report for the year 2015.

September 2017
Known bugs and anomalies Notes






Please take note that:  

  • The NISAT database is provided free of charge. In return for this service we request that users send Nic Marsh information on any bugs they may discover, or suggestions for improvements. In addition, if you have any small arms transfers data that you think may be suitable for the database, please get in touch. 

  • Users should note that while we have made every effort to ensure the quality of the information contained in the database, we cannot guarantee its veracity. Users are advised to refer to the original data source before using the information in publications etc. 

  • The normal academic conventions apply. Users of the database should cite the NISAT database as a source of all information obtained (in addition to the original source of the information).
  • We have purchased copyright permission to disseminate some of the data. Therefore, please contact Nic Marsh if you intend to publish, or otherwise disseminate, large quantities of data.